This was a really neat to find today. Green Girl wrote a little article about Betty Belts and me, the owner/designer:

Betty Belts
April 27 2008
by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff

There is nothing cooler than a woman who surfs. She’s always jetting off to exotic places like Mexico and Malibu, board-bag in hand, devil-may-care attitude in full effect, trailing the scent of wax and patchouli… Okay I may have gotten a little carried away there. The truth is, most women who surf seem to be like my friend A, who got on a board one day and just felt like she was home. Like the rest of us, she takes care of her life, kids, job—but she also gets up a five a.m. every so often to dive into freezing cold waves that pick her up, toss her around, and occasionally rub her nose in the sand. Sounds painful to me on all fronts, but still, I envy her. It takes so much courage to go out there in the dark! And she’s got this self-possession now, that probably comes from the fact that she got back up and rode that m-f-ing wave to the sand—she takes that with her all the way through her day.

So I imagine Donna von Hoesslin is a lot like my friend A, except instead of going to a desk job after surfing in the wee hours she shakes the salt out of her hair and ambles over to the Ventura, CA-based headquarters of Betty Belts, where she designs and imports hand made belts and jewelry featuring beadwork, sustainably farmed mother of pearl, recycled glass and wood bead designs. Here’s how…
(Read rest of article here and check out the Green Girl Guide Blog)

Betty B. Cuff made from Sustainable Sono wood.