The tail end of Mermaid March brings an urgent mission upon the Betty Family.
The outbreak of COVID-19 is causing […]
By Bernadette Ignacio|2020-04-05T23:20:18-07:00March 30th, 2020|active lifestyle, beach glass jewelry, Beach Jewlery, beauty, betty b blog, betty b life, Betty Strong, bridal jewelry, connectedness, conscious consumerism, fashion, gratitude, healthy living, inspired jewelry, inspired travel, life, marketing, Meaningful career, mermaid, modeling, News & Stuff, ocean jewelry, Products, recycling, sea glass, sea glass jewelry, small business, surf jewelry, surf life, surf style, surf travel, surfari, surfing, team betty, team betty rider, team betty surf team, Ventura, water jewelry, wome's jewelry, women, women's fashion, women's fashion jewelry, women's jewelry, women's surf jewelry, women's surfing|
The tail end of Mermaid March brings an urgent mission upon the Betty Family.
The outbreak of COVID-19 is causing […]
By Bernadette Ignacio|2017-11-07T20:24:20-08:00November 7th, 2017|active lifestyle, art, betty b blog, betty b life, connectedness, conscious consumerism, events, fundraising, gratitude, life, Meaningful career, News & Stuff, ocean, philantrophy, photography, pro surfing, small business, surf life, surf travel, surfing, team betty, Ventura|
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