Yasss, we quietly opened our Downtown Ventura shop doors. We did it on the hush because we’re still navigating the rollercoaster of covid craziness. In lieu of this, we did this as careful as possible to make it safe for you, and not call all Bettys out to create an uncomfortable crowd, which our small shop & skeleton crew can”t handle right now.

While we’re super excited to see your beautiful faces, a lot has changed. Our limited small staff is still getting used to helping our Betty Family we’ve been missing so much during the ongoing pandemic.

On that note, know that we can’t do it the way we used to. While it’s not the best, its the best we can do for you, our beloved Betty Family.

Consideration is cool. And we’re know your coolest, so please…

Putting these changes in place may end up with some fun unexpected bonuses like:

  • Being invited to check out our other shop spaces to maintain distance.
  • Working on your Summer bronze & getting  fresh air while waiting outside the shop for a bit as other customers finish & exit.
  • Enjoying the latest Ocean Room Gallery exhibit while waiting for your items to be gift wrapped.
  • “Window shopping” first at bettybelts.com or the Betty IG to make your shop visit even more quick & easy.

We love you, we’ve been waiting for this moment to come for far too long & we can’t wait to sea you!


Donna & Team Betty