Between Spring & Summer is May– buzzing with beautiful, warm energy– bringing smiles & stoke to all eager Ocean Lovers ready to play in the waves, sun & sand. Celebrating our long-time Betty Team Rider Hailey Partridge O’Rourke, who beams the same sweet vibe, is the best way for us to kick off the new month. We got the latest, here’s what she shared…

“My most recent fave surf & beach adventure was when my husband & I spent our honeymoon in Tahiti — it was the most amazing trip I have ever taken. We stayed on the atoll, Rangiroa & we went scuba diving every day. Seeing so much marine life up close was such a magical experience…

I’m really into scuba diving right now. I absolutely fell in love with scuba diving during our Tahiti trip & I cannot wait to plan our next adventure…

My baby son, Patrick & my French Bulldog, Finnegan, get me really stoked! They both wake up in the morning so happy with the biggest smiles…

“My goals in 2021 are to… as my son gets older, share with him all of the outdoor activities that my husband & I enjoy; surfing, swimming, stand up paddling, hiking, skiing & someday scuba diving!

You’re well on your way to slaying those goals Hailey.ย Our Betty Tribe will have a blast with you through May & way beyond Babe! It’s been an amazing ride with you on Team Betty from the beginning & we’re stoked to keep the good times goin’ .We love you!ย Follow her adventures atย @haileyjorourkeย &ย @bettybelts

Hailey + Betty

Our all-time fave shots of timeless Betty designs.

Classic Betty Sea Glass Ring

Betty Surf Resin Hoops