Surf in the waves.

Play in the sun.

Work like a boss.

Rock Betty Belts.


Sound familiar? This, is a typical day in the life of a Betty babe.

Even though most Betty B. pieces have extraordinarily long life spans, you may have some pieces that are super worn out or bent way out of shape from a life spent (almost) everyday in the sea, sand, and sunshine.


While you can cut off the charms, glass, or pearls from the original thread yourself, and remake it into your own DIY masterpiece (we love that!)  –you also have the option to bring it back to us and receive a $5 recycling credit for each item toward anything new in the shop if you’re not feeling that crafty. 

Have some Betty silver that’s seen better days, and now it’s beyond wearing comfortably? This offer not only covers our signature sterling Betty B. designs, but also other jewelry made with surf resin, sea glass, and/or pearls, all of which can be recycled to make new pieces.

For more in depth details, check out our product guarantee page.

So go ahead!.. work hard, play hard, and rock your Betty style with no worries.